Mouvre is a traveling pop-up gallery showcasing local and worldwide talent in unique ways and spaces with an emphasis in building communities and exposing opportunities. It travels through a community using undeveloped or empty real estate including but not limited to retail, office, or vacant buildings. The idea behind the Mouvre is to create a space for creatives while also bringing people through available real estate. This traffic will inevitably create interest in the space leading to development throughout communities. This particular installment was a bicycle themed exhibit showing paintings, photography, sculpture, chopped and customized bikes, and design work.
My poster, created specifically for this exhibition, is a 32" x 48' inkjet print. The objective of this poster was to experiment with radial symmetry – the mountain bike wheel being the focus and the horizon of mountains and trees emanating outward to the night sky. The stars and their trajectories add an element of movement around the main illustration.

Alex Pichette, Inkjet Print 32"x48", Night Ride
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Contact me at plexaichette@gmail.com for interest in ordering a smaller scale reproduction of the poster.